Name: Catherine
Age: 31
Presenting symptoms:
Catherine has experienced severe period pain since her first period at the age of 15. Her pre-menstruation symptoms include sore breasts, headaches, emotional instability, fatigue and severe lower abdominal pain. She also experiences a long menstrual cycle compared to a normal 28 day cycle.
Previous treatments:
For the past 10 years Catherine has been taking analgesics (pain killers) to reduce the pain experienced during per period so that she is able to continue to function during her day. Normally she would take 2 tablets twice a day for four consecutive days during her period when the pain is the most intense.
Experience with Acupuncture:
2nd February 2014 – 8th March 2014 – 5 treatments over 1.5 months
On the 2nd of February 2014 Catherine visited AcuNatural Health and had a consultation with Jane Ma (Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner). Catherine was diagnosed with blood stagnation due to stagnation of her Liver Chi. Acupuncture needles were focused on the uterine lining and liver meridian and Traditional Chinese Medicine was prescribed to support a balanced hormonal system. Catherine undertook 1 treatment per week over the course of 1.5 months.
For her coming period following her initial treatment Catherine reduced her intake of painkillers to only once during her menstruation. She also reported that her menstruation symptoms had reduced dramatically. Catherine no longer experienced sore breasts or headaches and felt a lot more emotionally stable.
Her second period following her initial treatment, Catherine’s long cycle menstruation period became normal at 28 days, her energy levels improved and her severe lower abdominal pain level reduced by 50%. Catherine was now prescribed a tailored herbal medicine to deal with the remaining of her symptoms.
Jane seeks to uncover the root causes of problems, rather than simply treating the symptoms to ensure health and well-being for the long-term.