Forming a part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture has no side effects and has been safely used across the eastern world for over 5000 years. Used to treat a range of ailments, including pain, stress and chronic disease.
Traditional Chinese medicine approaches health and disease with a holistic view, aiming to treat the root cause of health problems and not just the symptoms. Used to help a range of health issues, traditional Chinese medicine encompasses a range of practises including massage, diet and exercise.
Massage is simply good therapy and can help with healing the body and mind as well as boosting overall wellness and general health. Helping to reduce stress, anxiety, pain, increase circulation and bring the body into balance. With six forms of massage on offer, this is a step towards healing the body simply and holistically, treating the cause as well as the symptoms.
Homeopathic medicine does not introduce foreign substances into the body, instead focusing on enhancing the bodies natural health and self-regulating mechanism. It encourages the body to heal itself of various ailments including dermatitis, allergies, headaches and more. Completely safe and rarely with side effects, homeopathic medicines have been used for over 200 years to help heal the body.
Josephine is well-known for her calm, focused passionate and unique care she offers clients particularly children. Josephine grew up in South east Asia and has a long relationship with herbs and their medicinal qualities; they have been an important part of her life from a young age. As a very normal part of her lifestyle she has always had nourishing practices help her navigate her personal journey in health.