How would you feel if you could relieve ‘normal pregnancy’ discomfort with acupuncture?
Good news! You can do that by engaging in acupuncture treatments! Acupuncture is commonly used to relieve discomfort that is often regarded as a ‘normal’ part of pregnancy.
It is effective in relieving common pregnancy complaints including:
- Pregnancy-related fatigue,
- Headaches,
- Back/neck pain
- Body pains,
- Heartburn,
- Constipation,
- Nausea
- Vomiting,
- Dermatitis,
- Swelling
- Puffiness in face or limbs,
- Cramps,
- Sleep issues,
- Cravings
“…I had minimal nausea and fatigue in the first trimester and managed to escape most of the common pregnancy complaints like swelling and general aches and pains…”
(Simply click here to read more about it)
Acupuncture can also be an effective tool to treat more complex conditions. It may be used to stop bleeding and prevent miscarriage, it can stimulate development in ‘small-for-dates’ babies, and reduce maternal blood pressure to prevent eclampsia and more.
After your baby is born your body must rapidly adapt to a new set of demands.
Acupuncture can help your body recover from the challenges of pregnancy and childbirth.
First Trimester
Acupuncture during the first trimester focuses on laying a healthy foundation for your pregnancy. Treatment is given to help divert your resources to nourishing your baby and to support the rapid growth of the baby, the womb and lining.
Second Trimester
You may seek acupuncture-massage during the second trimester to maintain energy or address ongoing complaints from the first trimester.
Third Trimester
Toward the end of the third trimester acupuncture prepares you for your labour and delivery. Studies show that women who receive regular acupuncture during the third trimester typically have a shorter and less complicated labour.
Preparing for labour
Acupuncture reduces the length of time women spend in labour, especially women having their first delivery and there is a noticeable reduction in medical intervention, including induction of labour, use of epidural anesthesia and cesarean delivery.
Inducing labour using acupuncture
Acupuncture offers a safe and natural method for inducing labour. Once your baby is ready, an acupuncture treatment can stimulate the changes necessary to trigger the delivery process.
After the Birth (Post Partum)
It can provide some support for your physical and mental recovery. Treatment to improve blood circulation, after the birth, will result in a good quality breast milk supply which can calm, satisfy and nourish your new baby. A well-fed baby will also enable you to rest and recover more effectively.
Acupuncture also offers solutions to common post-natal complaints such as insufficient lactation, urination difficulty, abdominal cramps, bleeding, hair loss, constipation, fever, post natal depression, night sweats and mastitis.
BOOK IN TODAY for a consultation with our practitioner Jane Ma here at AcuNatural Health Brisbane to get yourself and your baby on the right path during and after pregnancy!
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We offer Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture to clients all over Brisbane and are a short drive from Windsor, Newstead, Fortitude Valley, New Market, Teneriffe, Spring Hill, Brisbane City, New Farm, Herston, Kelvin Grove, Ascot and Hamilton.
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